Monday, September 10, 2012

Smart Utility: A Dumb Story

Marcus always heard that your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die. First of all, that one-second is not a second at all. It stretches on forever…like an ocean of time. For Marcus, it was standing across his country river watching the unending transmission lines extending over the crystal water and straying into the woods. The proud face of his father on his first day at job as a trouble man at Smart Utility…the hard hat and the yellow vest…the glinting goblet that he raised in support of gun rights…

Marcus could be pretty pissed off about what happened to him…he was perceived an intruder as he approached a customer’s premise and was shot by the customer. But he did not obtrude; - he was merely there to investigate a trouble ticket. The customer did not inform the outage, but her smart meter did. So, maybe, just maybe, it was fair on her part to get scared of the uncanny apparition in the middle of the inky darkness and shoot in self defense. But how fair is that? Let it’s hard to stay mad when it’s so much beauty in the world…it’s time to sleep…he closed his eyes as all his thoughts converged into a tiny singular dot of infinite locus just like the transmission wires lost into the horizon over the endless corn fields…

[After the last words of Lester Burnham in American Beauty.]